Mobile Health for Cardiac Rehab Doesn’t Aid Older Adults With CVD: RESILIENT
An app-based program failed to boost function for most at 3 months, but positive signs were seen in women and...
An app-based program failed to boost function for most at 3 months, but positive signs were seen in women and...
New research shows that using virtual care tools to deliver rehabilitation services at home to older adults with ischemic...
OverviewThe VALENTINE Study is a remotely administered, randomized trial ( NCT04587882, registration date 10/14/2020)24. Participants in both groups received a...
Credit: JACC: Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.jacadv.2023.100591 Digital cardiac rehabilitation programs substantially reduce a person's chance of being readmitted to hospital...
News Patients who utilise online programs after a heart attack can significantly reduce their risk of cardio-related rehospitalisation,...
Nearly one in three Americans wear a wearable device, like a smartwatch, to track their health and fitness. Studies have...